I am a freelance writer specializing in fundamental physics, cosmology, cognitive science and philosophy, and author of the book Trespassing on Einstein's Lawn (Bantam, January 2014).
My writing has been featured in The New Yorker, The New York Times, The Atlantic, Nautilus, Nature, Scientific American, Sierra, Quanta, Undark, Edge.org, NOVA Next, Sky and Telescope, Technology Review, Astronomy, the Philadelphia Inquirer, and New Scientist magazine, where I previously served as Books & Arts editor. I also co-host BookLab, a podcast about popular science books, with science journalist Dan Falk.
As someone with delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD), I'm fascinated by the science of circadian rhythms. My 2016 Modern Love essay, "The Night Girl Finds a Day Boy," published in The New York Times, formed the basis of the episode by the same name in Season 2 of the Modern Love TV series on Amazon Prime.
I was a 2012-13 Knight Science Journalism Fellow at MIT, and have a Master's degree in the Philosophy and History of Science from the London School of Economics. I live in Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts.
Photo by Webb Chappell